What is the first thought that you get when you read the title?
“Isn’t Product Leadership and Product Management the one and the same?”
Well, there is more to what Product Leadership and Product Management incorporate. We are going to show you some of the main differences that keeps them apart.
Difference #1

Product Leadership involves many one-on-one and small group conversations to get the product processes running whereas Product Management needs to conduct many big important meetings.
Difference #2

Product Leaders make it a point to tell the whole truth about the product with no sugarcoating the details sans any drama. Product Managers tend to provide only the status reports of the product.
Difference #3

Product Leaders are firm on their principles yet are flexible on the methods to be employed while Product Managers enforce PMI and Agile processes.

Product Leadership accepts all uncertainties and follows the motto ‘Fail fast, Fail small, Fail often’. Product Management tends to control the requirements leading to failing slowly, failing big.